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Utahraptor Description Page. Click here for picture.

The Utahraptor replica pictured below 

This Utahraptor Skull, is 23 inches Long by 14 inches High 10 inches Wide, which is 1 to 1 scale which would be the exact known size.

Built and hand crafted with Home Depot supplies and products. With a 100% hardware framework, "a full metal jacket", with a exterior of industrial strength polyester resin, for the exterior shell, shape and details.

For detailed information and other products built by Dinodivas, click link 

Click on Thumbnail below for a full 141K picture, 

   Many other pictures in photo album.

Click Here for Utahraptor description page.

Taken from BBC listing http://www.bbc.co.uk/dinosaurs/fact_files/sky/utahraptor.shtml


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